Eigenschaften von Buch 347306
Signatur E
nov 2
Fach E Englisch
Personen (Autor, Herausgeber...) Reynolds, Jason
Titel Twenty-four Seconds from now...
Titelzusatz a LOVE story
Schlagwörter Liebesgeschichte
Cover coverbuchhandel.de
FSK 0 Stufen:
Antolin id 0 Link: Nein
Inhalt Reynolds (Long Way Down) astounds in a sweetly hilarious story of two Black teens preparing to take a huge first step in their relationship. In frank stream-of-consciousness prose, Reynolds rewinds the teens’ heartfelt romance to showcase its development in reverse: 24 hours before, Neon was avoiding his homework by scrolling through videos he’d recorded of his classmates. And 24 days earlier, Neon was strolling the neighborhood with Gammy and the family dog, Denzel Jeremy Washington. As events roll backward, Neon has conversations with numerous richly wrought supporting characters, including his effervescent musician friend Dodie and his open and loving sister Nat, all of whom regale Neon with their thoughts on sex and love (with varying degrees of embarrassment and enlightenment for Neon). Sex-positive messaging encourages vulnerability in personal exploration as well as open conversations about bodily autonomy and consent. Authentically tapping into the way teens think, Reynolds delivers a mighty exaltation to Black love in this moving story of one boy’s growth and the community that fosters it. -- Publishers Weekly, STARRED REVIEW ― 7/22/2024
Sprache Englisch
Auflage Erscheinungsjahr: 2024
Verlag Simon & Schuster
Ort New York Umfang: 239
Standort Bücherei
Medienart Buch
Ausleihe Alle
ISBN 9781665967112 Preis: 0.0
Anschaffungsdatum 14.01.2025
Biographierte Personen
Rückgabedatum 1111/11/11 Ausleihdatum: 1111/11/11
Ausleihvorgänge 0
Entliehen 0 von 0
Vormerkungen 0